Late Gauranga Das was born in 1932 at Comilla, in Tippera district of undivided Bengal. From his childhood he took to the craft of cane and Bamboo work under the guidance of his father Late Biswambar Das, a renowned master craftsman of Comilla at that time. Late Gauranga Das was a talented craftsman by dint of his own initiative, effort and practice. He created his own design of fine and beautiful works of art in Cane & Bamboo articles. He worked in the Handicraft society for sometimes and worked as a practical Demonstrator at the Craft teacher Training institute of Agartala. He took part in the 10th All India Handicraft and won the first prize. He was conferred National Award for best skills in cane & bamboo handicraft in 1966, thus being the first artisan from Tripura to achieve the award.
Late Gauranga Das

Late Nirode Behari Das
Late Nirode Behari, Resident of Iccharbazar, Kathaltali, Agartala, is the 2nd receipt ant of the National Award in Bamboo Handicraft (cane & Bamboo) in 1967. He was a renowned craft artist known for his exquisite skills in bamboo works.
Late Sailesh Das
Late Sailesh Das, Resident of Kailashahar, North Tripura (now Unakoti district), received National Award for his contribution to the bamboo &cane industry of the state. He recieved National Award in Bamboo Handicraft (cane & Bamboo) in 1975.

Shri Mantu Chandra Das
He Shri Mantu Chandra Das is the recipient of the award of Shilp Guru in Bamboo & Cane crafts in the year 2008. He took up his first employment at the Bamboo and Cane Development Institute (BCDI), Agartala, as a craftsman working on a daily wage of Rs.10 per day. He assisted in conducting craft training programs offered at the BCDI. For his contribution towards training of skilled people and the uplift of the craft, Das received the National Award as Master Craftsman in Bamboo and Cane Craft, instituted by the Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles in 1979. Das was selected for the Festival of India in London in 1981 followed by the Ghent International Festival at Belgium later during the same year. Back home when the Government organized the World Bamboo Congress in Delhi in 2003, Das was again selected as the Master Craftsman – Designer for developing prototypes for a new range of bamboo products to be displayed in an exhibition. He was invited to participate in the international workshop on product development of environmental friendly products to commemorate the UNESCO- Seal of Excellence Award Ceremony in October 2004. He won the UNESCO Crafts Prize in the year 2005 for Bamboo and Cane Weaving.
Shri Subhrendu Bikash Roy
Shri Subhrendu Bikash Roy Started his Craftsmanship at the Age of 11yrs. During his childhood he was a good observer, He made a fine Aeroplane of Bamboo and demonstrated it in the Festive Fair, indeed which was the beginning of his journey in Craft making. He is an Artist Designer. He created an excellent micro basket of 2.5″, fish basket of 1″ dia. and a quarter inch Basket. He made a creative design and received the National Award in 1981. Shri Roy received the Shilpa Guru award in 2014.

Shri Sunil Chandra Nama
Shri. Sunil Chandra Nama, belongs to a family of traditional Cane & Bamboo Craft. He possesses excellent skills in making all types of Cane and Bamboo products. He is master of all the techniques involved in the preparation of fine designs. He is a popular artisan of West Tripura. In the year 1982, he received Tripura state Award and also the National Award in bamboo Crafts.

Shri Pradip Kumar Roy
Shri Pradip Kumar Roy, Resident of Banamalipur, Agartala, received National Award in Bamboo Handicraft(cane & Bamboo) in 1983.

Shri Krishna Das Paul
Shri. Sunil Chandra Nama, belongs to a family of traditional Cane & Bamboo Craft. He possesses excellent skills in making all types of Cane and Bamboo products. He is master of all the techniques involved in the preparation of fine designs. He is a popular artisan of West Tripura. In the year 1982, he received Tripura state Award and also the National Award in bamboo Crafts.
Shri Haricharan Das
Shri. Haricharan Das belongs to a family of traditional Cane & Bamboo Craft. Shri Das took his initial training from his parents when he was a small child. His father Shri Prasanna Kumar Das and Mother Smt. Kiranbala Das were equally famous in making basketry other bamboo crafts. Tripura, one of the most important area of cane & Bamboo crafts in India, has produced numerous master craftsmen but Shri. Haricharan Das deserves a special mention because he has overcome physical disabilities to achieve perfection in this craft. He has participated in many National exhibitions and has imparted trainings to numbers of young artisans. Shri Haricharan Das received the National Award for his excellence in Cane & Bamboo work in 1986.

Shri Tapan Chandra Das
Shri. Tapan Chandra Das was born in (1963) Ranirbazar, Tripura. He worked for 13 years at Kalipada Chakraborty’s cane and bamboo craft unit. Mr. Das is, however, a craft workaholic and wishes to popularize the craft amongst the younger generation. He has excellent skills in making Cane and Bamboo products. He is master of the techniques involved in fine bamboo & cane work. As a skilled bamboo craftsman, Shri Das received the National Award in Bamboo and Cane Craft in the year 1987.
Shri Harekrishna Nath
Shri. Harekrishna Nath belongs to a family of traditional Cane & Bamboo Craft. He is a popular artisan of Sabroom, South Tripura, Shri. Harekrishna Nath took his initial training from his parents during his childhood. His father and Mother were equally famous in making Shetalpati Mat, and both of them received Tripura Merit Award on weaving fine sheetalpati Mat. They also weave Sheetalpatti Mat for Local Consumption in order to meet the economical needs for their family. Shri. Harekrishna Nath, received the National Award for his excellence in Fine Sheetalpati (a natural fibre like cane) work in 1987.

Smt. Dulu Rani Debnath
Smt. Dulu Rani Debnath D/o: Late. Jatindra Kumar Debnath, was born in South Charilam in Tripura in 1963. She learnt Cane & Bamboo work as a profession; she began her training from the age of 16 and perfected the craft under the guidance of her Guru Smt. Gita Acharjee. She produces items of very fine workmanship and received the National Merit award in 1987.
Smt. Dulu Rani Debnath received the National Award for excellence in Cane & Bamboo Craft in 1988.
Shri Suresh Chandra Das
Shri. Suresh Chandra Das Started his bamboo craft work in the year 1975-76 working in a private factory. Later he took a special training in Bamboo and Cane Development Institute (BCDI) Agartala for 6 months and went on to work with his master for 3 years.
He received Tripura Merit Award in the year 1988 for his excellent designs on Bamboo made animals such as Lizard. This Award encouraged him for a National Award. In the year 1993, he submitted for National Award and was selected for his fine work.
His Skilful Bamboo craft work and unique designs in Bamboo product is admired in international countries. He received lots of orders from the countries like Thailand, Greece, Hongkong, Japan, Germany etc.

Shri Subal Chandra Nama
Shri. Subal Chandra Nama, born in a traditional craft family, He took his Training from his Father, Mother and Brother. He received Tripura Merit Award, North Eastern Award and National Award for the Creative fine work in Bamboo crafts. He has a creative mind to create unique products.
Shri. Subal Chandra Nama received the National Award for excellence in Cane and Bamboo Craft in 1995.
Shri Mihir Kumar Paul
Shri. Mihir Kumar Paul resident of Dhaleswar, near Volcan club, Agartala, received National award in Bamboo Handicraft(Cane & Bamboo) in 1996.
Smt. Sabita Debnath
Smt. Sabita Debnath was born in traditional Bamboo & cane craft family. In her childhood she dreamed to achieve National Award like her sister. As she grew up she got attracted to Bamboo craft work. She spent most of her time in learning the craft work during night lightning the lantern after her family was asleep. She produced different kinds of bamboo products for the local consumption to meet the financial needs for her family. Gradually bamboo craft work became a part of her life.
She received the National Award in the year 1998 for her excellent work in cane & bamboo craft work in 1998.

Shri. Paresh Chandra Nama
Shri. Paresh Chandra Nama, S/o: Late. Ruhidas Nama, was born in a craft family based at East Nalchar, Tripura. His Father & Grandfather were experts in Bamboo craft. From His childhood he was attracted towards Cane & Bamboo work, At the Age of 13, he started his craft work as a professional craftsman.
For 20 years, he was engaged in the field of Bamboo Craft and perfected the craft under the guidance of his Guru Shri Sunil Chandra Nama. He produced items of very fine workmanship and received the National Merit Award in 1995.
Shri. Paresh Chandra Nama received the National Award in 2000 for excellence in Craftsmanship and contribution to the development of Bamboo Mat.
Smt. Putul Das (Nama)
Smt. Putul Das (Nama) was Born in a traditional craft family at East Nalchar in Tripura in 1966. She has been practising this craft since her childhood. She was motivated by her own inclination towards artistic and workmanship of the craft.
Her Guru is her Husband who is also the recipient of National Award in 1995.
Smt. Putul Das (Nama) received the National Award for excellence in Cane and Bamboo (Tribal Ornament) Craft in 2000.

Smt. Ratna Sarkar (Das)
Smt. Ratna Sarkar (Das) was inspired by her Husband’s Bamboo craft work. Her Husband encouraged her to learn the Cane & Bamboo work as a profession. She began her training from her Husband and perfected the Bamboo craft. She produces items of very fine workmanship and received Merit Award and National Merit award in 2003.
Smt. Ratna Sarkar (Das) received the National Award in 2003 for her craftsmanship and contribution to the development of Cane & Bamboo.
Smt. Khuku Paul
Smt. Khuku paul was engaged with Bamboo craft from her Childhood. In the year 2004, she decided to take bamboo craft Training from her Guru Shri Krishnadas Paul for 1 year. She was inspired & motivated by her Guru. In the year 2006, she submitted Product for the National Award and got selected.
Smt. Khuku paul received the National Award for her excellence in Cane & Bamboo craft in 2006 and is the youngest National Awardee from the state till date.

Shri Swapan Kumar Debnath
Shri Swapan Kumar Debnath is a skilled bamboo artisan known for his fine carving works in bamboo. His products are very unique will fine work in the form of idols of various gods & goddesses. His craft skills are surely an inspiration for the young artisans. He demonstrated is products in various exhibitions and got recognized by many.
Shri Atanu Das
This is the story of a physically challenged person. The talent of Atanu Das of Kumartila, Abhoynagar in Agartala was first noted in his school’s Work Education exam when he showcased his exclusive bamboo handmade products. Encouraged by teachers & family members, he took training at Bamboo & Cane Development Institute, Agartala and started making different bamboo decorative products with his small team which included his wife who is also a physically challenged person. Their products got a very good appreciation when they were showcased at 2nd North East Expo 2006 at New Delhi and this was just the beginning. Later he was invited at various expo. He is now trying to strengthen his team with technology and design inputs from Tripura Bamboo Mission.